Jumat, 11 April 2008

The Ron Clark Story

I’ve watched this kind of movie, several times.

Kali ini seorang guru, names Ron Clark, looking for job in NY and then he got one, in public school. Precisely at the NY Bronx area. Same path, like most stories like this, this man come in to a crowded and helpless situation. And he be a hero, save the student, makes them like the school, and makes them realize what are they got from school.

There’s several movies like this, that I know, but it never makes me bored. Cause in their every effort they have their own method, and the different situation (basicly it’s the same situation, but in fact, in details they are different situations) are very unique, makes the method of conflict resolutions seems keep interesting.

Being a teacher, it’s not just teaching. But it has to be agent of change, facilitating people to be better with their own effort, ways, desire. To know what they really wanna do. In this field the subject are children. And that’s a plus marked. Cause children are fabulous, they are seed of unknown plant, and teacher help them to grow, to be whatever plant they want to be. To be brave and to proud of them selves. To have skills, achievement and be proud of it.

Watching this movie, these kind of movies, always makes me wanna be teacher. It’s a precious profesion, a honourable one.

i think these are few similar movie, take the lead, death poet society, apalagi ya.., lupa judulnya tapi ada koq...

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